
Neus Crisol
The LXVI annual conference will be held at the University of St Andrews from 23 to 25 October 2020
We encourage members and non-members alike to come to the conference and take advantage of this excellent opportunity to hear stimulating papers, engage in lively discussion and enjoy meeting with colleagues and friends.
St Andrews provides a unique location for a very special university. Wherever you walk, you are reminded of its rich and colourful history with buildings both ancient and modern. Founded in the 15th century, St Andrews is Scotland’s first university and the third oldest in the English-speaking world.
For information about travelling to, and accommodation in or near, St Andrews, go to the University webpage and search for ‘Getting to St Andrews’. For further information about the conference, accommodation and programme, see the Association’s website. Should you have any queries, please contact one of the conference organisers: Sergi Auladell Fauchs (; Jordi Larios (; Montserrat Lunati (; and Clara Ponsatí (
You are invited to offer a paper of 20 minutes’ duration at the LXVI Anglo-Catalan Society Conference. The paper may treat ANY ASPECT of Catalan culture (linguistic, historical, literary, sociological, political, musical, etc.) relating to all areas where Catalan is spoken.
Note that delegates must be members of the Society at the appropriate level (full, student, etc.) in order to present a paper. Those attending but not presenting are encouraged to become members of the Society, but this is not obligatory.
Please send proposals (affiliation and contact details, title and 200-word abstract) by e-mail to Montserrat Lunati at by Friday 15 May 2020.
We hope to prepare a provisional programme by Monday 13 July 2020. We will notify all applicants as to whether their proposals have been accepted or not around this date.
Given the popularity and success of recent scholarships, we have decided to continue to divide the Anglo-Catalan Society Scholarship into a limited number of awards to encourage students interested in Catalan culture to attend the Anglo-Catalan Society Conference.
Applicants will normally be current or recent students from British or Irish universities who would like to maintain and/or develop knowledge and understanding of Catalan culture, but it is also open to postgraduate students of other universities, provided that they are currently doing research in the field of Catalan Studies.
The award will comprise: membership of the Anglo-Catalan Society for one year (until January 2022), and a contribution towards the cost of conference and travel expenses. Payments will be made on production of bills and receipts further to the submission of a report (see point 6)
Each applicant should provide the following information: Curriculum Vitae; one academic reference by either a member of their department or by a Catalan lector; a signed declaration to the effect that the applicant will attend the full conference and that s/he will take responsibility for the rest of the funding.
Applications should be sent to Pedro Fernàndez (University College Cork) at and Sergi Auladell Fauchs (University of St Andrews) at
Successful candidates will be expected to submit a report on the Conference to Pedro Fernàndez before 31st December 2020. Bills and receipts should be sent to Dr Eva Bru-Domínguez (Bangor University) by the same date at
Late submissions will not be accepted.
The closing date for applications is Monday 27 July 2020. Late applications will not be considered under any circumstances.
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