
Gemma Gil
The LIII annual conference will be held at the University of Birmingham from 10h to 12h November 2017
We encourage members and non-members alike to come to the conference and take advantage of this excellent opportunity to hear stimulating papers, engage in lively discussion and enjoy meeting with colleagues and friends. The University has a long tradition in the teaching of Catalan and in recent years has been gradually building up local and international collaborations and networks in relation to Catalan culture.
You are invited to offer a paper of 20 minutes’ duration at the LXIII Anglo-Catalan Society Conference. The paper may treat ANY ASPECT of Catalan culture (linguistic, historical, literary, sociological, political, musical, etc.) relating to all areas where Catalan is spoken.
*Please note that delegates must be members of the Society at the appropriate level (full, student etc.) in order to present a paper.
*Those attending but not presenting are encouraged to become members of the Society, but this is not obligatory.
Please send proposals (affiliation and contact details, title and 200-word abstract) by e-mail to the Society’s Secretary, Dr Jordi Cornellà-Detrell, by 30th June 2017. The e-mail address is
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